Spray putty - Polyester putty

Sprayable body putty - Polyester body putty
46420Ultra-filling polyester puttySmart sand 1L / sprayable
MPIST1Polyester PuttyPistolable 1L
2500.1500Sprayable polyester puttyGrey - 1.5kg
5150.3101Sealing puttyGrey - sprayable 290ml
1.858.3300Polyester putty 33001L + SHA307 Hardener
2078171Sprayable polyester puttyWhite 1L
799RCromax spray putty1L
P-B-67Glasurit Sprayable Putty1.4kg hardener not included
SH3508Raderal primer1L
Sprayable putty for professional bodybuilders
Our range of spray putties are aptly named: they can be applied with a spray gun! On the Carross website, you'll find not only Carross spray putties, but also the spray guns you need to use them. Sprayable putty is designed to fill large surfaces, such as a very long dent in a bodywork door. Using a paint spray gun saves time. These putties are thinner, and are applied with a spray gun instead of a spatula, to optimise the time taken during the puttying process. Sprayable putty is used for finishing work on a wide range of surfaces. It produces a smooth surface. Carross offers a wide range of sprayable resins. Carross offers sprayable putties from 4CR, Cromax, Maxmeyer and Standox at unbeatable prices.
Sprayable and sprayable body fillers are types of putty specially formulated to be applied using a spray gun or spray system. These products are commonly used in the car body repair industry to carry out more extensive repairs or to cover large surfaces effectively. Here are some key features and points about these types of putty:
Sprayable and sprayable bodyshop putties are generally formulated with resins, fillers, and other specific additives that give them properties suitable for spray gun or spray application.
Rapid application:
Using a spray gun or spray system allows the putty to be applied more quickly and evenly to the surface to be repaired. This is particularly advantageous for larger repairs.
Suitable for large surfaces:
These putties are often used to cover large areas of bodywork, such as entire body panels, vehicle sides, or other large surfaces in need of repair.
Time saving:
Due to their fast application, sprayable and sprayable putties can help save time during repair work, which can be crucial in a professional environment.
Compatible with standard Spray guns:
These putties are designed to be used with standard spray guns, simplifying the application process for professional body repairers.
Adhesion and flexibility:
As with conventional putties, the sprayable and sprayable versions offer robust adhesion and flexibility once cured, allowing the putty to resist bodywork movement without cracking.
Important surface preparation:
Before applying these putties, thorough surface preparation is essential. This can include cleaning, degreasing and sometimes sanding to ensure maximum adhesion.
Coat application:
For more extensive repairs, it may be necessary to apply these putties in several successive coats. This depends on the thickness required for the specific repair.
Finishing before painting :
Once the putty has fully cured, fine sanding and surface preparation are essential before applying primer and paint.
In summary, Spray and Sprayable Body Putties are practical options for bodywork professionals looking for a quick and effective application, particularly for repairs to larger areas of bodywork. It is advisable to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure optimum results.
Your questions about using Sprayable Body Putty :
Sprayable Body Putty is a practical and effective solution for bodywork professionals, offering fast and even application. Here are some of the questions most frequently asked by users, with professional answers to help you make the most of this type of putty:
1. What are the advantages of using sprayable body filler compared with conventional putties?
The main advantage of sprayable bodywork putty is that it can be applied quickly and evenly over large surfaces. This saves time during bodywork repairs, particularly for large areas or complete panels. What's more, spray application ensures even distribution of the Putty, helping to achieve a smooth, even surface.
2. What type of gun is recommended for applying Sprayable Body Putty?
We recommend using a spray gun specially designed for bodywork putties. Make sure the gun is clean and in good working order. The choice of spray gun may depend on the type of Putty used, so it is advisable to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
3. Can I use sprayable body filler for smaller or localised repairs?
Yes, sprayable body filler can be used for smaller repairs, but it's important to control the flow of the gun to avoid applying too much filler. For very localised repairs, a traditional putty applied with a spatula can also be considered.
4. How do I prepare the surface before applying spray-on bodywork putty?
Surface preparation is crucial. Make sure the area is clean, degreased and free of any wax residue. If necessary, light sanding can be carried out to create an adherent surface. Carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations for surface preparation.
5. Should I apply the sprayable body putty in a single coat or in several coats?
This depends on the thickness required for the specific repair. For larger repairs, it may be necessary to apply several successive coats. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the maximum thickness per coat.
6. How long does it take for sprayable body putty to dry completely?
The drying time depends on the type of putty used. In general, sprayable body filler has a fast drying time. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the recommended drying time before sanding and preparing the surface.
7. Can I apply primer directly onto the sprayable body filler?
Yes, once the putty is completely dry and sanded, you can apply a primer before painting. The primer helps to improve paint adhesion, even out the surface and provide extra protection against corrosion.
In conclusion:
Sprayable Body Putty is an effective option for fast, even repairs. By following the application steps and adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations, users can achieve professional, long-lasting results.
Grey bodywork putty
Carross offers grey putties, such as Max Meyer grey putty 3300. This product is based on nitrosynthetic resins. Versatile, it is easy to apply with a spatula or spray gun. It is easy to sand. It also has a low absorption rate and dries quickly. This type of sprayable putty is perfect for levelling minor defects in old paintwork. Apply 2 or 3 coats for best results.
Professional polyester putty
Carross also stocks sprayable polyester putties from 4CR, such as the 2500 sprayable putty. This polyester putty is suitable for use with paint spray guns. It can be used on bare Steel sheet metal, or on well-sanded old paintwork. What's more, if you need to correct minor surface defects or bodywork imperfections, this sprayable Putty will be perfect!
Spray putty for your car or motorbike
This Spray Putty is surprisingly effective. It's an excellent tool for bodybuilders, and can be used both as a filling putty and for finishing. It can also be used to quickly and professionally repair irregularities in the bodywork (small scratches, for example). It spreads thinly and has very low porosity. The result is a smooth, even surface, ideal for applying paint in the best possible way.
Which professional spray putty should I choose?
Do you have any questions about choosing the right spray putty? Or do you have questions about the right paint spray gun? Perhaps you're even looking for a different type of car putty? Carross has plenty of choice and many quality products! So don't hesitate to call our highly competent sales department to help you achieve the best possible bodywork results.