Carross 46403

Bodyfiller Ultra sand - Self-levelling 3L


ULTRA SAND is a revolutionary premium self-levelling putty that is ultra-light and extremely versatile. HARDENER INCLUDED

Non-contractual photos
Product strictly for PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY
Unit price from 3 products 35.53 € Excl. VAT 42.64 € incl. VAT
By 1 37.40 € EXCL. VAT
44.88 € INCL. VAT
From 3 35.53 € EXCL. VAT
42.64 € INCL. VAT
5-day delivery
+33 (0)1 60 27 20 19
monday to Thursday 8.30am-12.15pm | 1.45pm-6pm
friday 8.30am-12.15pm | 1.45pm-5pm
Activity Automobile / motorbike - bodywork
Colour Blue
Mixing Hardener 2%
Packaging 3 litres
Time before sanding 10-15 min
Type multi-purpose putty

Technical description of Carross Ultra sand 46403 bodyfiller:

Its ultra-creamy, liquid composition may surprise on first use, but you'll be won over by its incredible properties in terms of speed, drying and ease of sanding. Due to its very low viscosity and self-levelling properties, the coats applied are very uniform and pore-free. ULTRA SAND can be easily sanded 8 to 10 minutes after application directly with P180 to P240 grit.

Ultra Sand is the new universal product for everyday repairs to your car or motorbike. Not only does it speed up the repair process, it also significantly improves quality. Save time, materials and costly touch-ups! Bodyfiller gives you a smooth, even finish. As well as being fast drying, Ultra Sand also has exceptional lightweight sanding characteristics.