Spies Hecker 3560

Permasolid® Hardener for primer - wet on wet High Solid Speed 5550

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SH3560 Hardener is specially designed to mix with High Solid 5550 wet-on-wet primer in a 1:1 Mixing ratio.

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+33 (0)1 60 27 20 19
monday to Thursday 8.30am-12.15pm | 1.45pm-6pm
friday 8.30am-12.15pm | 1.45pm-5pm
Activity Automobile / motorbike - bodywork
Capacity 1 liter
Type Wet on wet

Description Permasolid Hardener for Speed 5500 Wet-on-Wet Primer:

SH3560 Hardener is specially designed to be mixed with High Solid 5550 wet-on-wet primer in a 1:1 Mixing ratio.

Product packaged in 1L cans