Glasurit 352-xxx

VOC Thinner -

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Characteristics of Glasurit® Standard Thinner 352-91

To adjust the viscosity of Glasurit® primers, Line 22 and Clearcoats, Carross offers Glasurit® Standard Thinner 352-91.

This product is also available in 5-litre fast (ref. 352-50) and slow (ref. 352-216 ) versions .

For all the Glasurit® products listed below, it is recommended to choose the Hardener, Thinner and dilution rate according to the temperature and size of the object.

Combination of 352-91 Glasurit® Thinner

Glasurit® Thinner 352-91 blends perfectly with several of the primers, body paints and Clearcoats listed below:

  • Ligne 22 2K High Solid paint for opaque to direct gloss finish has good filling power. This range of body paints also has good resistance to yellowing and good hardness.

  • The 285-16 Thermo grey-beigeprimer has good resistance to solvents and ageing. This high solids primer can be applied to steel, zinc-coated steel and aluminium. This primer can be used for wet sanding or as an anti-corrosion primer. To complete the preparation of this primer for bodywork, Carross recommends Thinner 352-50, 352-216 and 352-91.

  • Poursuite High Solid 285-31 Grey primer can be used wet-on-wet for economical repairs. This primer dries quickly, has good weather resistance and gives a good finish. To complete the preparation of this bodywork primer, Carross recommends Thinner 352-50, 352-216 and 352-91. This primer is also available in white (285-38) and black (285-49).

  • Primer 285-555 High Solid Black can be adapted to your working methods by wet or dry sanding. This primer dries quickly, provides good corrosion protection and is weather-resistant. This product is also available in white (285-655).

  • High Solid Primer-Sealer 285-700 High Solid is suitable for all types of work, with the option of dry or wet sanding. This primer is easy to apply, has good flow resistance and good filling power. To complete the preparation of this bodywork primer, Carross recommends Thinner 352-50, 352-216 and 352-91.

  • Clearcoat 923-115 High Solid is suitable for Matt basecoat systems. It has a high solid content, high hardness, easy buffing and good resistance to adhesives. To complete the preparation of this Clearcoat, Carross recommends Thinners 352-216 and 352-91.

  • Clearcoat 923-135 Racing High Solid High Solid HS is used for two-coat finishes in combination with Line 90. This Clearcoat is used for quick repairs to a component, dries quickly and has good polishing properties.

  • Clearcoat 923-155 MS for two-coat finishes is high in solids. This Clearcoat has many advantages, including good resistance to weathering, yellowing and adhesives. To complete the preparation of this Clearcoat, Carross recommends Thinners 352-50, 352-216 and 352-91.

  • Clearcoat 923-255 for two-coat finishes is high in solids. This Clearcoat has undeniable advantages, including easy buffing, good resistance to weathering, yellowing and adhesives.

  • Clearcoat 923-335 HS Multi-VOC is used for Matt basecoat systems. It has high solids, excellent tension and a good final appearance. To complete the preparation of this Clearcoat, Carross recommends Thinners 352-216 and 352-91.

  • Clearcoat 923-35 High Solid High Solid HS is ideal for a two-coat finish with Line 90. Rich in dry extract, this Clearcoat is also resistant to weathering, yellowing and shines easily.

  • Clearcoat 923-45 HS High Solid anti-scratch HS is high in solids. It is also resistant to weathering and yellowing.

  • Clearcoat 923-55 MS extra matt 2-componentclearcoat is ideal for matt clearcoat finishes on bodywork.

  • Primer 934-70 2K is specially designed for plastics. Paintable, this primer has good adhesion and can be used as a primer in a 3-coat system.