De Beer 8-145xx

De Beer High Solid Paint Primer - 3L or 1L (in grey)

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High Solid De-Beer primer has a high solids content and can be sanded or applied wet-on-wet. 3L or 1L. Available in grey, black or white.

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+33 (0)1 60 27 20 19
monday to Thursday 8.30am-12.15pm | 1.45pm-6pm
friday 8.30am-12.15pm | 1.45pm-5pm

Characteristics of De Beer 8-145xx High Solid Body Primer :

This De Beer high solid primer is a two-component product that is easy to apply with a spray gun and can be used either as a sandable primer or as a wet-on-wet primer.

Application of De Beer 8-145xx High Solid Body Primer:

Sandable version :

  • mix 3:1 with De Beer 2K MS Hardeners + 10% Standard Uni Thinner 1-151 or Fast Uni Thinner 1-141
  • or mix 6:1 with HS420 Very Fast 8-430 (spot repair only), Fast 8-440, Standard 8-450 or Slow 8-460 Hardeners + 25% Uni Standard Thinner 1-151 or Uni Fast Thinner 1-141
  • Apply with gravity-feed spray gun 1.3 - 1.4 mm nozzle and 3 - 3.5 pressure in 1 - 3 coats with 5 - 10 min waiting time between coats.
  • Drying time at 20°C: 16h
  • drying time at 60°C: 20-30 min

Wet-on-wet version :

  • mix 3:1 with De Beer brand 2K MS Hardeners + 20% Uni Standard Thinner 1-151 or Uni Fast Thinner 1-141
  • or mix 6:1 with HS420 Very Fast 8-430 (spot repair only), Fast 8-440, Standard 8-450 or Slow 8-460 Hardeners + 35% Uni Standard Thinner 1-151 or Uni Fast Thinner 1-141
  • Apply with gravity-feed spray gun 1.3 - 1.5 mm nozzle and 3 - 3.5 pressure in a single coat of 20-25µm