Characteristics and use of Spies Hecker Permasolid VHS Hardeners :
Spies Hecker Permasolid hardeners are available in different speeds: slow, extra slow, standard and fast. They have a high solids content and enable economical, environmentally-friendly application.
The four speeds allow the hardeners to be used in all conditions, guaranteeing optimum application.
Using Permasolid Spies Hecker Hardeners:
1. Permasolid VHS 3220 Fast Hardener:
Suitable for painting elements at low temperatures and low air flow in the booth.
2. Permasolid VHS 3225 Hardener:
Suitable for elements or full paint at normal temperature.
3. Permasolid 3230 :
Suitable for painting elements or complete even at high temperatures.
4. Permasolid 3240 VHS Extra fast :
Suitable for painting elements and complete paints even at very high temperatures.