Characteristics of standard Thinner XB383 Cromax
XB383 Cromax Thinner is packaged here in 5-litre cans. This standard XB 383 Thinner is commonly used in the preparation of various primers. XB383 Cromax Thinner is also available in 1-litre packs. Carross also offers a high-temperature version of this Thinner: XB387.
Combination of XB383 Cromax Thinner :
The standard Thinner XB 383 is used in the composition of the following primers:
- Primer 840R is a Chromate free epoxy surfacer primer with good corrosion resistance. It is particularly recommended as a first coat on bare metals. Cromax 840R primer complies with VOC standards and is used in a 3:1 volume sanding version with Cromax XB383 Thinner. Pot life: 8h.
- Please refer to activators XK203, XK205 and XK206 to complete the preparation. These primers comply with VOC legislation.
- Standard Thinner XB 383 Cromax is also used in LE 2001, LE 2004 and LE 2007 primers. These 2K surfacer primers can be applied wet-on-wet or sanded. For mixing ratios, please consult the primer data sheet.